Online HEP Screening Test (HEPST)
HEP is a form of giftedness characterized by exceptional emotional skills. This test determines the probability that you have HEP.
An emotional and personality assessment is similar to a complete psychological assessment, but it does not include an IQ test. It includes an interview, emotional intelligence tests and personality tests.
Discover : The High Emotional Potential Screening Test
Here are the main elements which are assessed:
The initial session lasts around 2 hours and the debriefing session, during which you get a detailed written report, can happen a few days later.
➔ Schedule an appointment with Luc MARTRENCHAR
These 2 consultations can be online sessions.
HEP is a form of giftedness characterized by exceptional emotional skills. This test determines the probability that you have HEP.
HIP is a form of giftedness characterized by exceptional cognitive skills. This test determines the probability that you have HIP.
Asperger's syndrome is a neurodivergence which has common features with High Intellectual Potential.
This test is intended for parents of a child or adolescent who exhibits certain characteristics of giftedness. It determines if having her/him take a test is indicated.