Asperger's Syndrome Screening Questionnaire

Answer these questions in no more than 4 Word pages and go here to get your result.

0) How old are you?

1) At one time or another in your life, have you had trouble expressing your emotions and/or interests?

2) At one time or another in your life, have you had trouble understanding other people's non-verbal communication (what they say with their facial expressions, their gestures)? 3) Can you determine what other people are feeling, even when they don't talk about it?

4) At one time or another in your life, have you had trouble expressing things non-verbally, with gestures, facial expressions?

5) At one time or another in your life, have you had trouble looking at others in the eye?

6) At one time or another in your life, have you had trouble making friends? 7) Do you have friends who are more than just acquaintances?

8) At one time or another in your life, have you done certain movements on a repetitive basis?

9) At one time or another in your life, did you tend to repeat exactly what other people said or to do exactly what other people did?

10) At one time or another in your life, have you had difficulty with changes, even small changes (like not taking the same route to school as usual, for example)?

11) Do you or did you have any rituals or routines? 12) Do you like to do everything the same way or talk about the same things over and over again?

13) At one time or another in your life, was there one or a few interests that you devoted yourself to, perhaps to the point of not having time for the rest?

14) Are some of your senses very sensitive (are you very sensitive to light, certain smells, certain noises, certain clothing textures or certain food textures)?

15) Are you very insensitive to pain, cold or strong smells?

16) Are you fascinated by numbers, dates? 17) Are you interested in license plate numbers or other such information?

18) Do you feel that social relationships are difficult? 19) Is it easy for you to know when to speak and when to listen?

20) At one time or another in your life, have you been physically awkward?

21) Do you have a rich imagination? 22) For example, can you easily imagine what the characters in a novel might look like?

23) Have you ever taken an IQ test (WAIS, WISC or WPPSI)? 24) What are the main scores (IQ, indexes, subtest scores)?

25) To your knowledge, do other people in your family have Asperger's Syndrome / Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Go here to get your results.

Please note that the Asperger's Syndrome Screening Test does not provide an official diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome, but it provides the probability of having Asperger's syndrome. In order to get an official diagnosis, a complete psychological assessment is required, which includes taking the WAIS-IV test.