HIP questionnaire

High Intellectual Potential Screening Questionnaire

Answer these questions in no more than 4 Word pages and go here to get your result.

0) How old are you?

1) Do you feel very different from other people? 2) In what way? 3) Has this always been the case?

4) Would you describe yourself as a very sensitive person (emotional sensitivity and/or sensory sensitivity), or even extremely sensitive (easily overwhelmed by your emotions)? 5) Do certain situations make you feel strong emotions? 6) In particular, are you sensitive to injustice?

7) Are you empathetic? 8) In what way / in which situations / with which people (relatives, strangers)?

9) Would you describe yourself as perfectionist?

10) Would you describe yourself as a curious person? 11) Do you get bored easily? 12) Do you easily get tired of certain activities?

13) Do you feel like you think a lot? 14) Do your thoughts run wild? 15) Do you feel that one thought can generate several other thoughts, which in turn can generate several other thoughts? 16) Do you feel like you can think about several things at the same time? 17) Is it difficult/impossible for you to stop thinking, as if there was no “off button”?

18) Are you an independent thinker? 19) Do you find it difficult to accept authority (from a manager, for example)?

20) Do you often think about the meaning of life? 21) To death?

22) Are you a creative person (not only artistic creativity but also the ability to think outside the box, find new ways to solve a problem, etc.)?

23) How were your school years? 24) Did you have facility for study/particular abilities for one or more subjects? 25) If yes, which ones? 26) Did you go to college/university? 27) If so, what did you study/which degrees did you get/was it rather easy for you?

28) Do you work? 29) How has your professional life been so far?

30) Do you speak languages ​​other than English? Is English your mother tongue?

31) To your knowledge, do any of your family members have High Intellectual Potential?

Go here to get your results.

Please note that the High Intellectual Potential Screening Test does not provide an official diagnosis, it provides the probability of having HIP. In order to get an official diagnosis, taking the WAIS-IV test is needed.